Books on voyages of discovery, maritime exploration, history of navigation

About the Hakluyt Society

More about ‘About the Hakluyt Society

Hakluyt Society Annual Lectures

Video presentation of the Annual Lectures of the Hakluyt Society[…]

Hakluyt Society videos

Hakluyt Society videos describing the content and editing of Hakluyt Society books about historical travel, exploration and navigation[…]

Hakluyt Society Privacy Policy

The primary purpose of this policy is to protect members and other persons against possible misuse of information held about them by the Society[…]

Our online content volunteers

The Hakluyt Society's online content creation volunteers for our website, Twitter account, Facebook account and Hakluyt Society blog[…]

Hakluyt Society Recent News and Forthcoming Events

Hakluyt Society new publications, workshops, meetings and other events relevant to exploration and historical accounts of travel[…]