Purpose of the Journal of the Hakluyt Society Posted By: Richard Hakluyt Society Journal, The Journal of the Hakluyt Society The history, purpose and objects of the Journal of the Hakluyt Society At the meeting of the Council of the Hakluyt Society held at the Royal Geographical Society on 28th June 2006, Mr R. J. Howgego put forward a proposal for the creation of an online publication to be known as The Journal of the Hakluyt Society. It was thought that such a development would not only serve to advance the stated aims and objects of the Society but would also, via the medium of the Internet, bring the work of the Society to the attention of a much wider audience. In addition, publication in solely electronic form would not be subject to the costs incurred by the production and circulation of a printed journal which would necessarily have led to an increase in the membership fee. After some discussion, members of Council accepted the proposal on condition that an editorial board be appointed to assess the content of submitted articles and to ensure that the material maintained the high standards of scholarship for which the Society is known. It was also agreed that a printed copy of all submissions should be retained for Society archives, and that articles would be accepted from both members and non-members of the Society.